DIY Flair Buttons
I like to use flair buttons on my scrapbook pages and cards. Sometimes these can be expensive and hard to find the one that matches with your page or card. I have done some research on Pinterest and you tube. Several people are making their own flair buttons many different ways. I found "Nichole Jones" on You Tube and decided to give it a try.
This is my take on DIY flair buttons. I only make a few to see
if it would turn out the way I was hoping .
The supplies you need are:
Patterned paper
Wood disc
Circle punches (about the size or your wood disc)
Nail file or sandpaper
Liquid Glass (from Close To My Heart)
I choose some paper from my scraps in the colors that I would use on the pages that I have in mind. I found some punches that were close to the size of my wood disc. Punch out some circles from your paper. Then glue the paper to your disc. I used some quick dry glue. Let them dry completely and then trim off the excess paper and use the nail file to sand off the rest of the paper and smooth out the edges of your disc. Once you have them the way you like, place them on a flat surface where they can be left to dry. I left mine overnight. Use the Liquid Glass to cover the tops of each of the disc. You can use a stick pin to pop any bubbles you may have. Let them dry completely! Then you will have some pretty flair buttons to use.

There are so many other ways you could do these, paint, inks, punched out shapes, glitter, tiny words, or stamps. The possibilities are endless. Watch for some more DIY button flair, so many ideas now. I hope you have enjoyed this post and that you give these a try.
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Stay Curious my Crafty friends!